Investigating the localization of pin mRNA in stage I zebrafish oocytes using in-situ hybridization analysis


Investigating the localization of pin mRNA in stage I zebrafish oocytes using in-situ hybridization analysis


Warwick Medical School


In zebrafish, germline specification is dependent on the inheritanceand localisation of the germplasm, a host of maternally derived RNAbinding proteins and mRNAs [1].

The germ plasm is found in a membrane-free structure named the Balbiani body, which is present in the oocytes [1]. One of thecomponents of the germ plasm is Tdrd6a, which is key for the germplasm organization [2]. Here, I have studied the localisation of a novelTdrd6a interactor mRNA, named pinchado (pin).

pin is a novel gene which has not been characterised and the Sampath lab is currently investigating if it has a role in oogenesis. Consequently, in my project I have characterised the localization ofpin in stage I oocytes as well the expression of pin and the Balbiani body marker dazl in pin∆4bp protein and pin∆TSS transcript null mutants.


Ashvini Wijayapala





Ashvini Wijayapala, “Investigating the localization of pin mRNA in stage I zebrafish oocytes using in-situ hybridization analysis,” URSS SHOWCASE, accessed October 5, 2024,