Working at Windmill Hill Observatory


Working at Windmill Hill Observatory




This research project took place at the newly established Windmill Hill Observatory (WHO) which houses a Meade 0.4 m LX200GPS telescope. The objective of his placement was to gain insight as an astronomer focusing on observational data analysis. This internship included a range of responsibilities like conducting observing nights, image processing, data analysis, documentation, web development and undertaking a coding project.


Baidandri Saha




The internship was based at the Windmill Hill Observatory where I engaged in various tasks and projects related to astronomy and observatory operations. In observatory operations, I gained practical experience by conducting multiple observing nights to learn and understand its functionalities. I also processed observatory data to create coloured images of M13, NGC6992, M27, and IC5070 using Siril, Fits Liberator and Gimp. Additionally, I conducted time-series photometry to analyse the light curves of KEP-451, an eclipsing binary and HAT-P-12b, a planet transit. I used both AstroImageJ and pipeline method to plot and analyse the data. I documented the process of using AstroImageJ to make an user guide. Following the time-series photometry, the rms values of the stars was calculated to plot the precision curve of the observatory. Simultaneously I undertook a coding task to develop a Exposure Time Calculator in python. This tool identifies stars in fit images, determined their maximum pixel count, fetched magnitude data from the database to calculate optimal exposure time for different filters, preventing pixel saturation. Furthermore, I contributed to the observatory’s online presence by designing a website using html and css connecting it to its GitHub repository. Therefore, the internship enriched me with knowledge of various software and honed my skills in data analysis, coding and web development.



Baidandri Saha, “Working at Windmill Hill Observatory,” URSS SHOWCASE, accessed October 5, 2024,